Thursday, February 09, 2006

Sweet Pussy

Sweet Pussy, you're going the way of all the women in my life; exiting it. Normally, I wouldn't have any trouble with it, I am used to it by now. But GOD DAMN, did that pussy ever smell so sweet.

There's the normal pussy stink, has a sour hint to it; some more than others. But as a man, it's an accomplishment to fill the room with the aroma, it's as if we think, "she likes me, at least enough to let me play with her box, and that's all I want" It's only a wonderful smell to us, because we got some va-gin-na-nana (to quote Big Yagi); and the odor confirms it. But if somebody made a pussy stink air spray, nobody would buy it; unless it was yours Sweet Pussy.

Pussy stink seems to cling to your body for a day afterwards. One encounter back in The Vine, there was a pussy that was absolutely repulsive. I remember sitting in class, hungover as always, exhausted from lack of sleep from sharing my little twin dorm bed. I had to lean to the left with my hand as far to the right as possible, so the odor wouldn't be as strong. But when I was taking notes, I could smell her, as if her cooch was right under my nose. I think it actually took two days to get the smell off completely; and believe you me, I washed my hands every second!

But not you Sweet Pussy. Your Vagina Vapors were beautiful, I wanted to bottle it and keep it hidden from everybody else. If your twat was a scratch and sniff, I would have ripped through the page. Unlike the for mentioned, I enjoyed your clinging nectar for the entire day. I smelled my finger so much, the remnants was transferred to my upper lip. Which is wonderful because there are only so many times you can inconspicuously run a digit under your nose when you don't have a cold. All I had to do was curl my upper lip up and I was back in my bedroom with you. If I smell my finger now, it just smells like spilt coffee. But I still can remember that Sweet Pussy Stank.


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