Wednesday, October 13, 2004


FUCKING ROBI! Had to get that off my chest. We went to Dave Attell on Sunday night, which was classic, all new material. I had a few drinks along with Justin, many drinks to be exact. On the way home I fell asleep in the car, I was all ready to go to bed. Then I wake up and were at the Harbor Bar. WHY!?!?!?!?!!?!?! I hate the Harbor Bar, especially when I have to wake up the next morning for work.

So the next morning I wake up drunk and hungover. While I'm at work, a reminder on my computer pops up and says I have to go to the dentist. Great, just what I want to do with a headache is have somebody poke at my head with metal objects. So, I'm there and I have a short dental hygenist. When she lays be back on the reclining chair, she makes it so my feet are above my head. That's really helping me get more drunk, flipping me upside down just makes the room spin more.

So as I'm lying there, I can see the reflection of my mouth in her glasses. I was surprised to see that I could see the reflection of that tiny mirror too. I thought it was really cool, of course I was drunk so that's why it might have been so cool. I could see all the wired angles of my teeth. Then I realized that she might think I was staring at her eyes, which it isn't polite to stare; especially when she has a metal hook next to your brain. So I try closing my eyes since I was laying back already. Also not a good idea, I start to doze off and I notice my mouth closing so that's not going to work. I look around the room to find something to look at, but I keep on coming back to the glasses.

So finally she finishes and sits me back up. Now the room is really spinning. I go to the counter to pay. Which is great that the counter was there, other wise I would have been on the floor.

This would have been all avoided if I didn't go to the Harbor Bar, DAMN HARBOR!


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