Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Shooting myself in the foot

I wasn't going to carpool this morning because I have shit to do after work, getting drinks with clients (could I just do that for a job?). So I get up, get out early (because I want to be early to work and show off to the boss). Justin leaves 10 or 15 min later and the construction crew outside won't let him move his car because there is too much shit in the way. So he gets to stay home for the day, so lucky. Then, I was a little discouraged, turned up my stereo louder; there's a short that's been in the car for a while that it can't play the stereo as loud as my ears can take it (which is a higher tolerance than most) so my stereo shut off. Over heat or whatever. Then I get to the office, MY FUCKING BOSS ISN'T HERE! Him and his wife left this morning for the rest of the week. So here I am at work, where if I played my cards right and been lazy, I could be at home smoking.
I wish I was a little bit taller, I wish I was a balla, I wish I had a girl with a...

Friday, August 26, 2005

Ahh, the bus

On the way to a bar, Thursday night. More interesting people on the bus. Dude talking to us drinking "the champagne of beers", of course the 32 oz. He was using a straw, leaving the beer in a paper bag. Two empties and a half of one left.
"I'm an admittedly addicted to alcohol. But I won't admit to being adidicted to Heroin!"
Don't worry crazy man with sunglasses at 10 PM, I won't judge you.
Best part of the sunglasses; he'd rest them on his forehead and they'd slowly creep down from his forehead, over his eyes, and finally rest on the edge of his nose. He didn't notice, once in a while he'd fix it, but it would just show how wasted he really was.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Vierd things, again on a Tuesday!

Last night, Justin and I went to Spicy Bite, the Indian Resturant right next to our place. It was way grub as always. I love their butter chicken, it has some unpronouncable true name, but I call it what it is. Its way better than ICH's style butter chicken. But this place isn't a buffet, its family style; so everybody shares. Justin got sweet and sour chicken and I got my favoirite. While we were eating it we both got a chicken bone in our mouth, at the same time. It was kinda wierd and we laughed, mostly because we were extra hungry. Then about five minutes later I get a really powerful pepper or something in my mouth. It overpowered the rest of the food so I took it out. At the same time Justin had the seed to what i just ate. It was very strange. He had the same taste too. The rest of the meal didn't have any bones or strong peppers in it! It was really strange, I have to sleep with one eye open now; some strange shit is going down...

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

I love it...

I love when I'm pissed driving around with my stereo as loud as can be, damaging my hearing and all; then as I pass a group of kids they all turn around to watch me go by. It sounds stupid, and it is; but at least I'm the envy of somebody.

Oh, I also love pounding beers at lunch time, it makes the envy feel better too!

Back From North Kakalaka

So the south was fun to go visit. I had a great time. I'm so glad I'm white, everybody is nice to me :) I know that's a fucked up thing to say, but they don't like different flavors down there. Some chick said that the area of Sunset Beach (a town of maybe a 1000 people) was getting too full for her taste. "I'd just rather be in the woods where I could run around naked with out any worries." Seth and I looked at each other in disapproval.

Other funny stories include, putting the bikes on the bike rack; while tying them down I said, "no, no, no, you have to tie them down so the bike uses it's force against itself!" Of course it was one of the first things I audibly said.
After hanging out with a cock tease of a bitch for the whole night (and week), I had to leave. As I got out of the car I said, "Fuck I'm tired, I'm gonna go home and rest my balls." Crude? Yes. Disgusting? Yes. Jeff's girlfriend Kate said to me, "Dustin, you're gross and inappropriate", she was quoting a tri-delt she knew. I felt complimented.

There were so many birthdays in the last two weeks, I wanna give a shout out and say Happy Birthday to you all! I would tell you more of my trip, but it was just mostly catching up with old friends and family. Everybody was cool and a lot of fun to hang with. Their family is rad, except when I got a 10 min lecture on the difference between laying and lieing.

I went to a planetarium for the first time in my life. It was so cool. It was way cool, like a fun lecture in school, and I learned stuff. I felt kinda depressed that this was the first thing I've learned in a classroom-esk setting in a while. I miss school. I hope Jeff and Kate have a better time adjusting to the real fucked up world than I have.

Its now back to my mundane life of sitting at home playing with my pud, which gets boring after awhile...I never thought it would, but Greenday was right.