Thursday, January 26, 2006

I'm Sorry

I'm sorry that my recent posts have been angry and bland. There is a reason for this. I'm finishing my exciting new book, "Dustin, you wish you weren't me." Since my blog has had so many great reviews, I'm putting all my mis-adventures into one, simulated leather-bound book. It's in the process of being published right now, if you want, go to and pre-order your copy today for only $29.99! With this amazing copy, you will get a autographed picture of me giving you the bird; an estimated value of one cent. That's a $30 value for only $29.99. It's a book for all ages, like "Harry Potter"; but with out the fucking kids.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Everybody has problems

Don't people fucking realize that WE ALL HAVE PROBLEMS. "I'm putting my life savings into this..." WHO GIVES A SHIT. You know what I want to do? Take your god-dammed life savings, put it in a box, and take the biggest, stinkiest, dump on top of it. How does that make you feel? I'll wrap it up and fedex it to you; then maybe you'll know what I think of you.

"I need this problem fixed right now..." Well if you weren't A FUCKING RETARD! You wouldn't be in this little predicament? Why don't you stew in your own feces for a little bit and then maybe we can avoid this in the future.

"This was so much better under the old management." LOOK ALL YOU IRRESPONSIBLE FUCKS! I don't care about the old management, I'm the new fuck in town (and my sounds laid down by the underground). And just like you to me, I'm going to be an asshole. You're going to have to work on my schedule, by what I say. "This isn't good business" BUSINESS ISN'T FUCKING GOOD IN THE FIRST PLACE. It's a bunch of self-centered cockwhores, trying to dick the other out of the most money. So just like you're doing, I'M GOING TO DICK YOU BEFORE YOU DICK ME!

Oh yeah, have a great fucking new year. It's just going to be as shitty as the last was.