Friday, April 29, 2005

Business in the front...

Party in the back! You know what I'm talking about, the best hair style EVER! No other haircut has such a cult following. There are no buzz-cut-hunters. There are no fro-hunters, although who doesn't appreciate a sweet fatty 'fro.

So I was picking my mom up from the hospital, she had surgery again. She is the six million dollar woman. So she's all dressed and ready and the nurse brings in a wheelchair (they want to dump you outside and then you can walk around and fall, they don't want to get sued). The orderly with the wheelchair looks at me head on, everything is normal. My mom sits down in the chair and he turns it to go out the door and there it is...A glorious mullet.

I made sure to walk behind them so I could just stare at this thing. It was super sweet, it was short in the front, on the top, and the sides. Then, half way down the back of his head the hairs started to get longer and it just ended in this glorious mullet. As he walked it swayed from side to side. I wanted to take a picture with my phone but I can't turn of the camera sound. But its burned into my memory. It was beautiful and I'm going to break my moms hip so I can see it again! JK, I wouldn't do that...maybe my boss's hip...

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

WTF, I lost respect for many "educated" people

I was reading a few essays that people have written about the presidential election. I couldn't believe what some people said. It made me a little upset. Here they are and what I thought about them.

"Lastly, Bush is not ashamed of the religious values that this country was founded on. Once the worth of God is gone from this country, the worth of this country is also gone." ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS!!!!!! Does nobody regard the best part of the constitution that there is a FUCKING separation of church and state!!!!! Who the fuck are these "educated" people that are still fucking sucking the tit of the church and repeating what they fucking hear on TV. Go watch more Fox News you fucking goob.

Most of these fucking essays are incoherent, a lot of copying and pasting...fucking lazy bastards. Plus these fucks are calling him Mr. Bush, it's President Bush, AND THEY FUCKING VOTED FOR HIM. These stupid fucking retarded people, he's not my President.

"This article argues for George Bush as the better American president as compared to John Kerry." You dumb fuck, you can't put this article argues or the like. Didn't you learn anything in remedial English. Before you submit an essay, go get an editor you dumb piece of shit!

"My belief stems from the fact that regardless of your opinion on President Bush's policies, our relationships abroad are somewhat tenuous and our involvement in the war does not lend itself well to introducing a new power at this time. " So just because we were stuck with him from before (remembering that we didn't vote for him the first time), we should keep with him. That's retarded, granted that the trends revile that we don't loose a war time president; but that's not a reason to keep him you fucking tard. Same essay continues, "While it is acceptable to disagree with our President on policy and issues, it is not acceptable to criticize and condemn him in front of our International neighbors." Does this fucking tard realize that TV kind of broadcasts everything anyways. No matter how you say it (American TV is broadcasted everywhere) other people are going to see it.

"'My job as president is to build on our progress and continue to help find solutions to problems many Americans still face in their daily lives today: affordable health care, better job opportunities and a secure retirement.' This is exactly what George W. Bush told his two daughters Jenna and Barbara in Glamour magazine." Are you fucking serious, you just quoted FUCKING GLAMOUR! How the fuck can you, fucking fuck, fucking expect me to take you serious when you fucking quote a fucking beauty magazine for a fucking presidential essay. OH MY FUCKING GOD!

"The Bush skills and past has proven that he is one of the most person who is ready to fight and stand by the country" Ummm, does that even make sense? The Bush skills? I have bush skills, I love to munch through that shit; does that make me a good president? DUSTIN FOR PRESIDENT 2K8, I'm running opposite of Feldman/Haim.

"Those first leaders established the freedom of religion. They acknowledged God, but did not force anyone to believe in a certain religion or even to believe in God...But, how free is a banned prayer? If people wish to pray at a ball game, they are not only exercising their freedom of religion, but also their freedom of speech" I'm no fucking religious buff, I did study the word of God when I was younger (which was written 1500 years ago). ISN'T IT FUCKING SACRILEGIOUS TO PRAY FOR SOMETHING LIKE A WIN AT A BALL GAME! This author goes on to say, "Under Bush’s leadership, the hourly wage for production workers rose thirty-four cents." Thanks for that kick in the nuts Bush. You managed to make us realized how fucked we are when you give us 34 cents extra in our minimum wage, but then the gas goes up two bucks a gallon. "People are educated, overwhelming majorities finish high school, attend college, and obtain Master's degrees" Look up your facts you fucking tard. Only 25% of people in America go to college for an undergraduate degree and not all of them finish. That's such a small percentage that is educated, the rest of the 75% are uneducated and live in the red states. I can't waste anymore time on this one paper, but this tard has a lot of good points to make fun of.

"'And in this corner, the defending national champion, weighing in as a conservative Republican' George W. Bush!" Can you believe this is an opening line to a paper?

"He [Bush] believes that, 'The US chosen by God to be a model among nations.'" How can you be so arrogant to say something like that. Its shit like that just make God want to smite them. Bush ain't the fucking Pope, how the fuck does Bush know what God chooses?

"However, ideally, neither candidate should have been chose, but rather a combination of ideals and values of both candidates. " Maybe we should dump some more money into education, can't throw an "n" on chose?

"When deciding who I believe would make the best president of the United States, I had many things to consider: the United States economy including international trade, the future of United States international relations, the potential for terrorist attacks in the United States and abroad, and religion in and it's roll in politics including any new legislation." religion should not be involved in politics that was the whole idea of separation of church and skate so that people would not be mis-spoken for just because they have different beliefs and Gods they should not be punished because some Christian fuck is the president see how I can make run on sentences that never have any breaks or periods or breaks

"A leader cannot disregard moral values when making decisions for the country. Lenin once stated, 'I do not care if ¾ of the world perish as long as the remaining ¼ are communist.' Lenin had twenty million people killed and another ten million starved to death. When the census takers reported that thirty million people had died under Lenin's rule, Lenin had the census takers shot. He implemented a plan to catch up with the industrialization of the West. 'Anyone who hesitated was summarily executed.' Reagan called communism a form of insanity. He pointed out their ideology when he said that the communist believed it was alright to lie, cheat, and to disregard all moral values when attempting to accomplish their goals. The former president said that America could not compromise with 'soviet slave masters'. He implemented a plan to bankrupt the Soviet Union through economic and defense competition in order to defeat the Kremlin and to bring freedom to the people while making the Americans safe from a nuclear threat (In the Face of Evil). " I didn't know that this was on the election between Reagan and Lenin...

"These were only the some of the main issues and only the two main candidates though no one could forget Ralph Nader and his wonderful contribution to the Presidential race meaning his taking away of votes that could have had an impact on the election." So, there should only be a two party system, where if the two are fuckwads were just screwed? I mean we have to keep some way of not being stuck with either party, even if it is just a facade.

"I'd love to be President. I'd do all sorts of fun things, like going into space and eating expensive food. I'd outlaw all the things that annoy me, like loud noises and small children" Umm, that wasn't the question, I don't think you'd get the votes from families either. "In conclusion, I choose myself as the best President, because I knew how to do everything right and they didn't." Hrm, that wasn't on the ballot, I didn't see an entry for JACK ASS in November.

"George W. Bush is one of the greatest presidents this country has ever seen. Time Magazine named him Person of the Year “For sticking to his guns, reshaping the rules of politics to fit his ten-gallon hat style of leadership and for setting the global agenda whether the world likes it or not'." Great, not only are you an idiot; so is Time. These fucks at Time have announced the world, "HEY YOU FUCKS OUTSIDE THE UNITED STATES. We're a bunch of shit kicking cowboys, if you don't agree with us and give us what we want we'll bomb your ass to so shut your pie hole. YIPIE-KY-AYE MOTHER FUCKERS! But this author is right, Bush is a much better President than Washington or Lincoln. Slavery is such an easy issue to resolve, because everybody wants slaves.

"America has always been known as a giant “melting pot,” but when George W. Bush came into office it became a burning pot." I like that one, we have become a nation pointing fingers and pushing blame on others. Look at the "Japs" during WWII; at least they know they're not up in the finger pointing blame anytime soon.

Friday, April 22, 2005

Sorry to my faithful/bored readers

Sorry there hasn't been a new adventure from me, but I've been pretty boring. Well, thats not completly true. I did have a birthday two weekends ago. That was a lot of fun. Thank you to all of you that came out and hung with me as I got completly obliterated. The only think I remeber is drinking...thats it. It was so much fun! :) I hope I didn't piss anybody off, because I was piss drunk. Last weekend I was so tired, we drank and went out; but nothing interesting. Wed was a ok holiday, but I just chilled by myself. I did clean the apartment hallway and trimed the bush outside. So yea, I've been kinda Vanilla...but I'm cool as Ice. But don't call me Vanilla Ice.